Appreciative Inquiry for Academic Librarians: Leading Change with the CALM Framework

Published on 13 September 2024 at 09:44

In the rapidly evolving landscape of academic libraries, how we approach challenges and lead our teams through change can make all the difference. Appreciative Inquiry (AI), a strengths-based approach to change management, offers a refreshing way to focus on what’s working well, and how we can amplify those successes to inspire positive transformation. When combined with the CALM frameworkCommunication, Adaptability, Learning, and Management—Appreciative Inquiry becomes a powerful tool for library leaders looking to guide their institutions through change while maintaining a culture of positivity and resilience.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how Appreciative Inquiry can be used in academic libraries and how it ties seamlessly with the CALM framework to create a strong foundation for leadership, collaboration, and growth.

What Is Appreciative Inquiry?

Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is an approach to organizational change that focuses on identifying and building upon the strengths and successes of individuals and teams. Rather than centering problems and obstacles, AI encourages leaders to ask questions like:

  • What’s working well?
  • What are we doing at our best?
  • How can we build on our existing strengths to achieve our goals?

Through the stages of Discovery, Dream, Design, and Destiny, AI helps organizations focus on positive possibilities and co-create a future that is rooted in what’s already successful.

The CALM Framework: A Path to Leadership Success

The CALM framework is a leadership model that helps academic librarians navigate the complexities of institutional change. By focusing on four key areas—Communication, Adaptability, Learning, and Management—the framework provides a holistic approach to leading teams through both minor adjustments and large-scale transformations.

Let’s break down how Appreciative Inquiry and the CALM framework complement each other and how they can be applied in academic libraries.

1. Communication: Fostering Positive Conversations

Effective communication is the foundation of leadership, and when paired with Appreciative Inquiry, it takes on a strengths-based approach. Rather than focusing on what’s going wrong, AI invites library leaders to engage in positive conversations that highlight what’s working.

For example, during staff meetings or when discussing a new initiative, leaders can ask questions like:

  • What successes have we seen in the past week?
  • What strengths do we bring to this project?

These conversations not only build confidence among staff but also create an environment of open, optimistic communication. In the context of the CALM framework, this kind of positive dialogue fosters trust and encourages a more engaged, solution-focused team.

2. Adaptability: Embracing Change Through Strengths

Change is inevitable, especially in academic libraries where we are constantly adapting to new technologies, budget constraints, and evolving user needs. The Adaptability pillar of the CALM framework helps library leaders guide their teams through change with agility.

Appreciative Inquiry strengthens adaptability by encouraging teams to reflect on their past successes with change. AI’s Discovery phase asks teams to look back at previous transitions and identify what went well. By focusing on what has worked in the past, teams can approach future changes with confidence, knowing they have the skills and strengths to adapt successfully.

For example, when introducing a new digital resource or tool, leaders can ask:

  • How have we successfully adopted new technologies in the past?
  • What strengths do we have that will help us adapt to this change?

This approach reinforces resilience and adaptability by reminding staff that they have overcome similar challenges before—and they can do it again.

3. Learning: Building on What Works

Learning is central to both Appreciative Inquiry and the CALM framework. In academic libraries, continuous learning is essential for staying relevant and innovative. AI’s Dream and Design phases encourage teams to envision a future where learning is built on existing strengths and past successes.

In the CALM framework, Learning involves fostering an environment where staff members are encouraged to grow, experiment, and expand their skill sets. By applying Appreciative Inquiry, library leaders can guide their teams to identify the strengths they already possess and how these strengths can be leveraged for future learning opportunities.

A practical example might be:

  • During professional development planning, ask the team, What skills have we developed over the past year that have helped us succeed?
  • How can we build on these strengths to support our growth in the coming year?

This strengths-based approach to learning keeps staff motivated, engaged, and open to new opportunities for growth.

4. Management: Leading with a Positive Vision

Effective management requires more than just task delegation—it requires creating a shared vision for the future. Appreciative Inquiry’s Destiny phase is about co-creating that vision with your team, ensuring that everyone feels part of the process and is working toward a common goal.

In the CALM framework, Management is about leading with clarity and purpose. By using Appreciative Inquiry to develop a positive, strengths-based vision, library leaders can ensure that their teams are aligned and motivated.

For example, when planning for the future, library leaders might ask:

  • What is the best vision we can imagine for our library?
  • What strengths do we bring as a team to achieve that vision?

This shared vision, rooted in strengths, empowers staff to work together toward a common goal with a sense of purpose and optimism.

Conclusion: Leading Change with AI and CALM

Incorporating Appreciative Inquiry into your leadership approach can transform the way your academic library navigates change. By focusing on strengths, AI enables leaders to guide their teams with positivity and purpose. When paired with the CALM framework—focused on Communication, Adaptability, Learning, and Management—Appreciative Inquiry becomes a powerful tool for building a resilient, forward-thinking library that thrives in times of change.

By applying these principles, you can lead with confidence, helping your team adapt to challenges and embrace new opportunities, all while fostering a culture of appreciation, growth, and shared success.

Interested in learning more about how to lead with Appreciative Inquiry and the CALM framework? Sign up for our Inclusive Knowledge Solutions newsletter to receive tips, tools, and strategies for navigating change and building strong, successful library teams.

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